Our Values

GCI’s churches and members strive to live out the following values, leading to the multiplication of followers of Jesus across the globe.


We are physically inclusive. That inclusivity means we are visibly diverse, open and welcoming.


We are emotionally passionate. We push ourselves to be emotionally courageous, convinced and to grow deeper in understanding.


We are intellectually intentional. That intention can be seen in the way we thoughtfully engage our faith and how we place value on the education of our clergy.


We are socially loving and express this as hopefulness, graciousness, and as an over-flowing toward others.


We are spiritually generous and strive to remain stable, honest, and humble as we engage with the communities that surround us.

These values are the foundational principles upon which we base our spiritual lives and pursue our mission to live and share the gospel. Those values are expressed in the following areas of emphasis:

We emphasize our identity in Christ

As Christians, we’ve been given a new identity in Jesus Christ. As his followers, we have been given everything we need in him. Jesus promised he will never forsake or leave us.

We emphasize bringing glory to the name of Christ

Jesus, who died for us and loves us, calls us to glorify him in every part of our life’s experience. Knowing we are secure in his love, we are a people committed to glorify him in all our relationships and activities. Whatever opportunities, challenges or crises we face, we are forever committed to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

We emphasize sound biblical doctrine

We believe that the essential doctrines of historic Christianity are those upon which Christian faith is based and which have been generally agreed upon in the experience of the Christian church. We believe that doctrinal disagreement on peripheral matters, while inevitable, should not be allowed to foster division within the body of Christ.

We emphasize missional living

Paul wrote: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). People enter God’s kingdom by responding to the gospel. Today, in GCI, by the grace of God, the kingdom is advancing. People are accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and King. They are repenting – turning to Jesus and joining him in building his eternal kingdom.

We emphasize the present and active work of the Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit leads and enables Christians to live a godly and obedient life in the power of Jesus’ resurrection. The Spirit gifts believers to join in the active work of the church. Every Christian can help in significant ways, according to the gifts provided by the Holy Spirit, to advance the kingdom of God. The Lord calls his people into church fellowships so they are able to work together, with and for each other (Ephesians 4:16). Every Christian is called to make a difference for the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ.

We emphasize the communion of Church life

The Church was founded by Jesus and he remains the active living head of the church. United with Christ we are united with one another. In GCI we heed the encouragement of Hebrews to continue to assemble and share in the intersection of our lives.

We emphasize the priesthood of believers

Peter wrote: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). All members — men, women and children — are ministers of the grace of God. In other words, ordained career ministers are not the only ministers — rather, they are called to leadership for the specific purposes of preaching and teaching the Word of God and for the administration of equipping all members for Christian leadership and works of ministry.

We emphasize heartfelt worship

Because we are created to bring glory to God, we believe in praise that is culturally sensitive and relevant. We strive to worship God through a variety of meaningful worship styles and occasions, blending traditional and contemporary in ways that bring glory to the name of the Lord.

We emphasize prayer

Prayer is an essential part of the believer’s life in Christ and is an important part of both public and private worship. We believe that prayer leads to God’s intervention in our lives.

We emphasize stewardship

God’s people are stewards of his gifts, including our resources of time, energy and finances. He calls us to share generously what he gives us to further the gospel and serve others, just as he has been generous in his grace toward us. Many members practice tithing and giving of offerings as a form of Christian stewardship and worship.


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