Core Values – Categories



Living and sharing the Gospel involves:

Personal Relationship with God:

1. Cultivate a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus.
2. Study and meditate on Scripture.
3. Pray and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Sharing the Gospel:

1. Share your testimony: Tell others about your experience with Jesus.
2. Use biblical truths: Explain salvation, forgiveness, and God’s love.
3. Show God’s love: Demonstrate compassion, kindness, and humility.

Lifestyle Evangelism:

1. Live a life of integrity: Reflect Christ’s character in your actions.
2. Build relationships: Connect with others, showing genuine interest.
3. Serve others: Volunteer, help those in need.

Verbal Witness:

1. Share the Gospel message: Clearly explain salvation through Jesus.
2. Use evangelism tools: Tracts, Bible studies, or evangelistic events.
3. Answer questions: Provide biblical answers to spiritual inquiries.

Digital Evangelism:

1. Social media: Share Gospel content, engage in online discussions.
2. Online communities: Participate in forums, groups.
3. Blogging or vlogging: Share your faith journey.

Community Involvement:

1. Local church: Get involved in outreach programs.
2. Mission trips: Participate in short-term missions.
3. Neighborhood outreach: Host events, serve your community.


1. Mentor others: Guide new believers in their faith.
2. Teach Bible studies: Help others grow in their understanding.
3. Encourage accountability: Support fellow believers.

Prayer and Fasting:

1. Pray for opportunities: Ask God to open doors.
2. Fast for spiritual breakthroughs: Seek God’s guidance.

Gospel-Centered Values:

1. Love and compassion
2. Humility and servant-leadership
3. Integrity and authenticity
4. Forgiveness and mercy
5. Evangelism and discipleship

Scriptures to Share:

1. John 3:16
2. Romans 5:8
3. Romans 10:9-10
4. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
5. Ephesians 2:8-9

Tips for Effective Sharing:

1. Listen actively
2. Be sensitive to others’ beliefs
3. Use everyday conversations
4. Be respectful and patient
5. Rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance

Remember, sharing the Gospel is a lifestyle, not an event. May God empower you to live and share His love with others! ‎<This message was edited>



Here are definitions and examples of vision, mission, and core values specifically relating to a church body:


Definition: A clear and compelling picture of what God wants the church to become or achieve in the future.


1. “To become a beacon of hope and light in our community, reaching 1,000 unsaved people with the Gospel within the next 5 years.”
2. “To build a vibrant, Spirit-filled community where people from all walks of life can find belonging, growth, and purpose.”
3. “To establish a network of house churches, empowering believers to spread the Gospel and make disciples in their neighborhoods.”


Definition: A concise statement of the church’s purpose and objectives, summarizing its reason for existence.


1. “To glorify God by making disciples, equipping believers, and serving our community.”
2. “To share the love of Christ with our city, fostering spiritual growth, community engagement, and global outreach.”
3. “To empower believers to live out their faith, sharing the Gospel, and making a positive impact in our world.”

Core Values:

Definition: Fundamental principles that guide the church’s decisions, behaviors, and culture.


1. Worship: “We value passionate, Spirit-led worship as the foundation of our relationship with God.”
2. Community: “We value authentic relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and connection among believers.”
3. Outreach: “We value sharing the Gospel with our neighbors and the nations, demonstrating God’s love through service.”
4. Discipleship: “We value intentional growth in faith, equipping believers to become mature followers of Christ.”
5. Prayer: “We value prayer as the engine of our ministry, seeking God’s guidance and empowerment.”

Additional Core Values:

1. Bible-based teaching
2. Evangelism
3. Fellowship
4. Generosity
5. Humility
6. Integrity
7. Leadership development
8. Missional living
9. Multigenerational ministry
10. Spiritual growth

Biblical Foundations:

1. Vision: Proverbs 29:18, Habakkuk 2:2-3
2. Mission: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8
3. Core Values: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, Ephesians 4:1-16, Philippians 2:1-11

Remember, these are just examples. Your church’s vision, mission, and core values should be unique, reflecting God’s specific call and purpose for your community. ‎<This message was edited>






… prepared by Charles Fleming for discussion on Priorities and Goal-Setting



Acceptance   Comfort   Compassion   Empathy   Equality   Inclusion   Kindness   Peace   Respect   Thankful  Welcoming


Community  Family  Generosity/ Giving  Grace  Harmony/Unity Hope   Humility   Inspiring   Loyalty   Maturity  Meaning  Reverence  Selfless/ Stewardship  Service/Sharing


Accountability  Commitment/Dependability  Dignity  Honesty  Honor  Responsibility   Sincerity   Transparency   Trust/Trustworthy   Truthful


Creation   Curiosity/Discovery   Expressive   Imagination/Innovation   Intuitive   Openness   Originality   Uniqueness   Wonder


Independence   Individuality   Liberty


Accomplishment   Credibility   Drive/Risk   Effectiveness   Empower   Endurance   Leadership   Mastery/Professionalism   Results-oriented   Significance   Sustainability   Teamwork


Amusement   Celebration   Contentment   Enthusiasm   Fun/Joy   Gratitude   Happiness   Humor   Playfulness/Recreation   Spontaneous   Surprise


Alertness   Attentive   Awareness   Beauty   Calm   Clear   Concentration/Focus   Silence   Simplicity   Solitude


Bravery   Conviction   Fearless   Valor


Common sense   Decisiveness   Foresight/Insightful   Knowledge/Thoughtful   Learning   Logic   Openness   Realistic   Reflective/Wisdom   Vision


Assertiveness   Boldness/Confidence   Dedication   Discipline   Fortitude   Persistence   Restraint/Temperance   Rigor   Self-reliance   Toughness   Vigor   Will


Accuracy/Careful   Certainty   Cleanliness   Consistency/Thorough   Control   Economy   Moderation   Organization   Security/Stability   Structure   Timeliness


Energy   Self-care   MentalHealth   Vitality


Cooperation   Collaboration   Adaptable   Openness   Service   TeamPlayer


Harmony   Connected   Relationships   Consensus   Interactive


Fairness   Equitableness   Honor   Respect   Restitution





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